ACTS OF REBELLION. Repressions, marginalities, protests and performing arts.
10h – Sessão de abertura | Opening Session
10h15 – Keynote speaker
Vozes Silenciadas: contra o esquecimento
Luísa Pinto (encenadora, Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, Portugal)
11h – Pausa para café | cofee breack
11h15 – Panel 1 - Protestos na América Latina | Protests in Latin America
(Castelhano e Português | Spanish and Portuguese)
Iconos y Exilios: El Happening como estrategia critica-política
Ronit Tal Sultan (Sapir College, Israel)
Cuerpos originarios en escena. Perfomance como herramienta de reivindicación identitaria en América Latina.
Renata Ribeiro dos Santos (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain)
Escola de Samba Mangueira: ato performativo antirracista
Joaquim Gama (Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, Portugal)
13h – Almoço | Lunch
15h – Panel 2 – O Estado Prisional | The Prison State
(Inglês | English)
BBB: Performing Bodies beyond Bars
Ece CANLI (The Communication and Society Research Centre (CECS), University of Minho, Portugal)
Prison Theatre and What Incarcerated People Teach Us About Theatre
Ashley Lucas (University of Michigan, USA)
16h00 – Pausa para café | cofee breack
16h20 – Keynote speaker
Não Ficção e Auto Ficção. O trabalho com as comunidades e os profissionais amadores | Nonfiction and Autofiction Working with communities and amateur professionals
Marco Martins (cineasta, Portugal)
17h30 - Port wine sunset
10h – Keynote speaker
Estética e fascismo: sobre a política do grotesco, do ridículo e do cafona
Márcia Tiburi (Universidade de Paris 8, France)
11h – Pausa para café | cofee breack
11h20 – Panel 3 - Estéticas do Protesto | Aesthetics of Protest
(Inglês | English)
Parties of the Dead
Elena Korowin (Braunschweig University of Arts, Germany)
Rethinking the collective protest body. Evolution in the imagery of the group subject in Chto Delat’s performances through the twenty years of artistic production. 2003-2023
Yulia Tikhomirova (University of Bologna, Italy)
12h30 – Almoço | Lunch
15h – Panel 4 – Protestos Feministas | Feminism Protest
(Inglês | English)
Rebel with Rhythm, Shatter with Words
Hilal Isik(Women Living under Muslim Laws, Germany)
The Rosies: riveting women social rights to street performances and beyond
Emmanuel Cohen (Parsons Paris - The New School, France)
16h00 – Pausa para café | cofee breack
16h20 – Panel 5 – Marginalidades | Marginalities
(Inglês | English)
Practices of vulnerability in contemporary Italian performing art.
Martina Cavalli (IMT School for Advanced Studies, Lucca, Italy)
Dancing through the Trap Door: Cassils’ Troubling of Trans Visibility
Karen Stock (Winthrop University, EUA)
Performing interventions in social neighbourhoods – The case study of Cultura em Expansão, in Campanhã
Jorge Palinhos (Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo, Portugal)
17h30 – Encerramento | Closing Session
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