On July 3th, two CEAA projects were presented at Ciência 2018 [Science 2018]:
MODSCAPES (Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscape) by by Axel Fisher and Helena Maia
FAMEP (Photography, Modern ARchitecture and the "School of the Oporto": Interpretations around Teófilo Rego Archive) by Alexandra Trevisan
Ciência 2018 is the latest edition of the annual meeting of Portuguese researchers. It aims at promoting a broad debate on the main topics and challenges of the scientific agenda beyond the world of research. The meeting main goal, therefore, is to stimulate not just the participation but also the interaction between researchers, the business sector and the general public.
Science Meeting 2018 – Meeting with Science and Technology in Portugal – is promoted by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in collaboration with the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Culture – Ciência Viva, and the Parliamentary Commission of Education and Science, and has the institutional support of the Government through the Minister of Science, Technology and Education Higher.
You can find the event program here