ACTS OF REBELLION. Repressions, marginalities, protests and performing arts. Iberoamerican Conference
Porto: ESAP, 26-27/10/23
Call for papers deadline: 31/05/23
Issued by
Performing Arts Studies research group
CEAA | Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo [Arnaldo Araújo Research Center]
of Escola Superior Artística do Porto, Portugal
Art and Society Iberoamerican Network
SP - Escola de Teatro, Brasil
The second decade of the 21st century has been marked by the increasing intensity of opposing social forces. On the one hand, there has been an expansion of authoritarian forces, populist movements, governmental or corporative surveillance and control over the lives of citizens. On the other hand, we are also witnessing the growth of social protests and demands by minorities, marginalized or subordinated groups, such as LGBTQIA+ movements, indigenous movements, etc. Theatre and the performing arts have sought to accompany social evolution, often presenting themselves as testimonies, examinations, calls and denouncements to express and debate the growing conflicts and social inequalities.
With the 1st Iberian-American Conference Acts of Rebellion, organized by the Performing Arts Research Group of the Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo – CEAA|ESAP, the aim is to promote reflection on the role of performing arts that combine research and creation with ethical and social concerns, and provide a space to meet and discuss the ways through which the performing arts have been accompanying and reflecting on these themes. For that purpose, we call for proposals for communications that focus on the connection between the performing arts and:
- Social conflict
- Demands of marginalized groups
- Forms of government surveillance and repression
- Processes of control, manipulation and negotiation of memory and history
- Forms of political and social oppression
- Struggles for social and individual rights
- Manipulation of the mass media and social networks
- Systems of repression or restriction of the rights of citizens, women, ethnic and sexual minorities, etc.
- Other related topics
We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations in Portuguese, Spanish or English, which should include:
- Title of the proposal
- Applicant’s identification (name, institution, country, position and email)
- Abstract (up to 300 words)
- Short curriculum vitae (up to 100 words)
?Proposals must be sent by feeling the abstract proposal form
Important dates:
Deadline for submission of abstracts – 31/05/23
Notification of Acceptance – 30/06/23
Deadline for registration – 30/09/23
Colloquium – 26-27/10/23
Conference Registration Fees:
Early registration – until 30/07/23 - 100 euros
Late registration - até/until 30/09/23 - 130 euros