CEAA - Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo


New ESAP Projects in CEAA

New ESAP Projects in CEAA


3 projects in partnership with CEAA were selected in the 1st phase of the ESAP 2021 Projects Call:

ESAP / 2021 / P55 / SATH - Pedro Vieira de Almeida. Religious architecture projects II. IR: Helena Maia (Autonomous Section of Theory and History / CEAA' Architectural Studies research group, axis: Strong Relations)

ESAP / 2021 / P56 / SATH - ON ABSTRACTION [or the excessive concern about an object]. IR: Eduarda Neves (Autonomous Section of Theory and History / CEAA' Art and Critical Studies research group, axis: Europe. Art, Curatorship and Critical Studies)

ESAP / 2021 / P57 / DTC - Silenced Voices: madness or divergence?. IR: Luísa Pinto (Department of Theater and Cinema / CEAA' Architectural Studies research group, axis: Dramatic Architectures)

The 2nd phase of the call is open until November 12th. 2021