CEAA - Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo




On May 9, 2007, the Arnaldo Araújo Research Center (CEAA) recalled and honored the architect Octávio Lixa Filgueiras by promoting a set of activities that began with a round table on O.L. Filgueiras. Memories / Testimonies in which participated, Susana Milan (ESAP), Maria Helena Maia (CEAA/ESAP) and Carlos Guimarães (FAUP). From the invitation to all present to participate with his testimonies, several interventions resulted that contributed to the enrichment of the session.

This was followed by the launching of issues 10 and 11 of CEAA's Home Editions, the first of which, entitled Octávio Lixa Filgueiras, Arquitecto (1922-1996), containing a study prepared by Pedro Vieira de Almeida and Alexandra Cardoso as part of a of the research projects of the Center and the second corresponding to the publication of the first tale written by OL Filgueiras, The Head of the Station, with illustrations by José Rodrigues and Introductory note by Maria Helena Maia. The set of activities ended with a snack, allowing, now informally, the extension of the exchange of memories among those present.

The above-mentioned activities, organized by CEAA, are integrated in the Commemorations of the 25 Years of CESAP-ESAP