Within the scope of the Exhibition, Ter Presente Arquitecturas em Arquivo, whose objective is to publicize the Architecture Archive of the University of Coimbra AAUC, the Department of Architecture of the University of Coimbra organizes a Colloquium on Archives of Architecture, which will take place on the 10th of November .
In this regard, we are associated with other important archives in the city, namely: the Municipal Archive of Coimbra; the Archive of the University of Coimbra; the 25 de Abril Documentation Center and the Bissaya Barreto Documentation Center. We have networked with all these documentary centers and they will all be present with their valuable testimonies at the Colloquium.
Reflecting on the importance of architectural archives in contemporary times, O Colóquio Ter Presente Arquitecturas em Arquivo also proposes to reflect on the importance of the various collections that make up its collection. They are collections of different architects, some of them with an active presence in the city of Coimbra, essentially during the second half of the 20th century. Going through the work of these architects, we get a much clearer idea about the production of the city, particularly in that same temporal arc.
Jose Antonio Bandeirinha
Carolina Coelho
Nuno Correia