Mariann Simon
Mariann Simon
Associate Members
Associate Member | RG: Architectural Studies | RL: Strong Relations
Mariann SIMON PhD is an architect. After eight years in practice, she turned to teach and research work focusing on 20th-century and contemporary architecture and theory at Budapest University of Technology. In 2014 she moved to the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Urbanism, Szent István University, Budapest, where she acted as professor until 2020. She extended her research field to urban research and preservation. She has organized 16 national and international symposia and has led seven research projects financed by home and international funds. In the universities, she was the supervisor of three defended PhD thesis and has still three active doctoral students.
She has been the member of the CEAA Research Group since 2008. She has published about 170 studies, articles and chapters in books. She is the author of the book Valami más (The other) by Terc Publisher 2003, which explores gender problems in architecture. Simon’s collected essays about 20th-century Hungarian architecture – Újrakezdések/Restarts – were published by Terc Publisher in 2016. She is the co-editor and author of the book Ideological Equals: Women Architects in Socialist Europe 1945-1989, edited by Routledge in 2017.
Budapest, 7 October 2020