Paolo Marcolin
Paolo Marcolin
Full Members
Associate Member | RG: Architectural Studies | Project MODSCAPES - Modernist Reinventions of the Rural Landscapes (HERA.15.097)
Paolo Marcolin. Graduate in architecture by the Polytechnic of Milan. Master and PHD in Urban Project and Planning by the Faculties of Architecture and Engineering of Oporto University. Research grants from Oporto’s Metropolitan Council (Masters degree) and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PhD).
Teaches at ESAP | Escola Superior Artística do Porto [Oporto University School of Arts] since 2000, having been responsable for several curricular unities, ranging from urban design to territorial planning. Between October 2012 and March 2015, he was Director of the Department of Architecture of the ESAP. He as since then been Director of Master’s Degree in Architecture of ESAP.
Throughout his career, he has collaborated in several national and international projects and competitions and coordinated groups working in urban projects, planning and management.
He is a collaborator of the Arnaldo Araújo Studies Center CEEA|ESAP, member and founder of the Laboratory of Research in Architecture LIA|ESAP, and member of the Laboratory of Landscapes, Heritage and Territory of the University of Minho – Lab2PT | UM.