CEAA - Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo

Maria Covadonga Barreiro
Professional Name

Maria Covadonga Barreiro


Maria Covadonga Barreiro

Research Groups

Associate Members

Position in CEAA

Full member | RG: Art and Critical Studies



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Curriculum DeGois


Short Curriculum

Mª Covadonga Barreiro, PhD in Visual Arts, Fine Arts Faculty - Vigo University. Exhibited at Fundación Gonzalo Torrente Ballester; CCAI, Gijón; CAJ, Madrid; Casaborne, Málaga; Galería Atlántica, Corunha; Galería Metro, Vigo; Galería Sargadelos, Pontevedra; Museu Univ. Alicante; Museu Nogueira da Silva, Braga; Maus Hábitos, Oporto, among other institutions, and also at Latinarte. Arte Joven Latina, Madrid and Muestra de jóvenes artistas europeos, org. A.I.C.A. - Asociación Internacional de Críticos de Arte. In 2008 she presented a project of "Ideas and proposals for Art in Spain", at the ARCO / Contemporary Art, ed. Ministry of Culture, collected in a volume that is currently part of the Museo Reina Sofia funds. Researcher at Vigo University (“ES2” research group) and CEAA, Oporto (“Art and Critical Studies” research Group). She co-edited Explorar os Limites / 6 (CEAA, Oporto) and Arte, individuo y sociedad (Madrid Complutense University). Currently Director of the Visual Arts-Photography Course and Assistant Professor at ESAP, Porto Superior School of Art and Associate Professor at the Department of Sculpture at the University of Vigo. Diputación de Ourense Fine Arts Prize, 2008; Diputación de Pontevedra Young Artists Scholarship, 2010.