Luís Lima
Luís Lima
Associate Members
Luís Lima. PhD in Philosophy – Aesthetics, at FCSH / NOVA University of Lisbon, under the joint supervision tutelage of José Gil (UNL) and Antoine Compagnon (Paris 4 Sorbonne), as a fellow of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He was also a fellow of the Foundation for Science and Technology within the master's degree in Communication, Contemporary Culture and New Technologies of the same university. He graduated in Communication Sciences with a thesis on the constrains between criticism and art. He collaborated as a journalist with several publications (Volta ao Mundo, National Geographic Magazine, Público, Arte Ibérica, etc.). He is currently lecturer at the Autonomous University of Lisbon, Superior School of Technologies and Arts in Lisbon and Superior School of Design at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, where he teaches Theories of Image, Aesthetics, Literary Culture and Criticism, Contemporary Visual Culture and Creative Writing. He works also as a freelance translator in the field of contemporary aesthetic thought and poetry (Jacques Rancière, Georges Didi-Huberman, François Truffaut, Bernard Stiegler, Marie-José Mondzain, Pierre Klossowski, Ghéraism Luca, etc.) and researcher at Nova Institute of Communication. He also is an affiliated researcher of Art and Critical studies group of Arnaldo Araújo Research Center