CEAA - Centro de Estudos Arnaldo Araújo

Professional Name

Cristina Susigan


Cristina Susigan

Research Groups

Associate Members

Short Curriculum

Cristina Susigan holds a PhD in Education, Art and History of Culture from Prebiteriana Mackenzie University, with a thesis related to contemporary art and women. Master’s degree in American Studies from the Aberta University, with a dissertation in the area of interarts (painting, literature and cinema). She has been teaching of in higher education at the Instituto Porto Polytechnic, Portugal, in the field of visual studies. In research, she dedicates herself to appropriation in the arts, history, theory and critique of art and interart relations. She has taught courses in the field of visual arts and audio-visual language. She is currently a lecturer at Santa Marcelina College in São Paulo and Researcher of CEAA (ESAP), Porto.