Refinery Board [WP4]
PI: Joana Rafael
Refinery Board is a platform for observation, research and debate that gathers around new and old imaginaries about the Leça da Palmeira refinery, Matosinhos. The refinery has been a transformative element of the territory, the economy, the materials and is, once again, an indicator of the major changes that society is committed to making, towards progressive decarbonization. Decontamination, dismantling and regeneration are the topics that are once again heating up the place of fuels and that will heat up the debates and motivate ongoing research*.
Included in the Extreme Sites project, this workpackage will be activated occasionally throughout the Refinery's dismantling process.
*Research initiated for Jornal Arquitectos #263 (2022), extended as a Satellite project for the Porto Design Biennale 2023 and affiliated with the Arnaldo Araújo Study Center - ESAP (since 2023).
Inês Moreira
Joana Rafael
Carlos Aguiar
Nuno Maio
Porto Design Biennale (Game + Oil Tournament)